
Post-secondary generally means any education after high school, and is often used synonymously to mean tertiary institutions. However, in Myanmar and within the communities of exiles, refugees, migrants and activists living on its borders, the sector serves rather different purposes. It often... Read More

Refugee camps on the Thai-Myanmar border – currently housing about 100,000 refugees from Myanmar – have existed in various forms for more than three decades. However, more earnest rumours of camp closure... Read More

To promote social justice through context-appropriate education materials and services for the adult education sector.

Myanmar’s higher education (HE) sector is stunted in almost every respect, due to prolonged underinvestment and over-centralization. Research has shown that the sector is ‘poor by any standard’ and is... Read More

Every Monday morning in Hpa-An, Karen State, students and teachers at the Education Gathering Group (EGG) Academy gather to usher in a new week. Together, they sing the school song, pledging to become “guiding stars of the community,” before... Read More